Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Daily Shred

 One of my favorite gifts this Christmas was my 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels (thank you mom!). I have used it off and on since Christmas, but nothing consistent.

As of yesterday (February 8th), I officially began my 30 days.

Matt took pictures for me and many varying measurements. I'm not brave enough to post them yet. It's not pretty. Do you ever look at a picture of yourself and in a moment see all of the choices you have made (good and bad) flash before your eyes? That's how I feel when I see those pictures and measurements.

Right now I am on Level 1. It's a good work-out. In 20 minutes you get 3 circuits of cardio, strength training and ab work. So far, the ab work is tough, but I can see needing more in the future. I guess that's why there are 3 levels possible on the DVD!

So, yesterday was a good day. I felt good. I got a lot done. The exercise made a diffrence!

Today has also been a good day. I exercised first thing and felt good getting it done. Mattie and I went to the library for Preschool Story Time and ran an errand or two. It also feels good using your time wisely in a day.

As much as I dislike getting up for it, exercising first thing is a good way to start the day. I am also very likely to not do it if I wait.

I am working on balancing my food intake. I am trying to have protein, "slow carbs" and "fast carbs" at each meal or snack. This also includes cutting out the white flour and most sugar. So far so good.

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