As the saying goes, "home is where you hang your hat", but for me home is a bit more than that. Home is where I "grew-up". Home is where I have people I love. Home is beautiful. Home is comfortable. Home has memories. All of these things describe my "home". Where is "home" you ask? Mukilteo, Washington of course!This is a picture of the Mukilteo Lighthouse with a ferry in the background. Isn't it gorgeous?! This is one of the things I am missing today. The water and that beautiful blue sky. What would I give to be able to pack a lunch and ride the ferry this afternoon...
I also miss the beach. The good 'ole rocky Mukilteo beach. This place holds more than beauty for me. It holds a lot of fond memories.I "grew-up" (10 years) with a fabulous group of girls that I am still friends with today (17 years). We spent many days on this beach. Many youth activities, marshmallow roasts, games of SCARS, dates and simple walks just to talk.
Talks with good friends on the beach.