That's the name of my husband's new business. Friday was his last day working for "the man" (thank you Jack Black). Monday marks a new day as a self-employed family! Kinda scary. Mostly really, really exciting!
The bad news? I will now be losing my beautiful, streamlined, fast MAC. I am so sad I could cry (not really... well, maybe). I have to go back to my clunky, ugly, slow PC. Blah!
Oh well. It's all for the sake of the new business. I am also sacrificing my desk, bookshelf and filing cabinet. What will be left in my office, you ask? NOTHING! I think I found a cute little desk for $70 that I'll probably pick-up this week. Other than that my office will be pretty empty. Maybe that's a good thing! Less space to collect all the junk that piles up.
Anybody else have that problem?